Infertility treatment preserves the gift of motherhood.

Infertility Services

Infertility treatment preserves the gift of motherhood.

We offer a complete range of infertility treatments like:

  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI): Intrauterine insemination is a popular infertility treatment which involves placing processed sperm in the uterus around the time of release of egg from the ovaries.

When is it advised? 

  1. Mild male factor infertility: Issues related to male reproductive system such as low sperm count, abnormal sperm shape and size, sperm motility, ejaculatory problems, hormonal issues, etc.
  2. Sexual dysfunction: Sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, premature ejaculation, can cause failure of conception.
  3. Anovulatory cycles: In normal conditions, ovulation occurs in every menstrual cycle, however, in anovulatory cycles, there is no release of egg. IUI is beneficial in such cases as a fertility medication is used to promote ovulation and sperm is placed in the uterus to improve the chances of conception.
  4. PCOD: PolyCystic Ovary Disease is known to cause infertility due to precipitating anovulation, causing irregularities in the menstrual cycle due to hormonal imbalance. IUI helps in tackling this problem by carefully planning and enhancing conception.
  5. Unexplained infertility: Certain infertility issues can be idiopathic and we often cannot zero down on the causative factors. In such cases, IUI can be a boon to the couple looking to conceive as it allows us to time the insemination which it is aligned with female ovulation. IUI also improves the survival of the sperms inside the uterus as it bypasses cervical mucosal barriers.
  6. Cervical problems: Usually, cervical mucus helps sperm motility towards the uterus, however, in case of abnormal mucus production, it can suppress sperm motility and cause infertility issues. IUI is extremely useful in such cases as it bypasses the cervical mucosal barrier and sperm is placed directly in the uterus.
  7. Donor sperm insemination: When we are using donor sperm to fuse with the patient’s eggs, IUI is essential as it allows us to place donor semen in the uterus to bring about fertilisation.


  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF): In Vitro Fertilisation is a treatment plan which involves bringing about fertilisation of sperm and ovum in an IVF lab to form embryos. Following this, the embryo is placed in the female uterus for further development on day 3 or day 5 of IVF.

When is it advised?

  1. IVF is advised in women who have tried simpler treatments like IUI but failed to conceive.
  2. Tubal blockage: Conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), endometriosis, etc. can cause closure or obstruction in the fallopian tubes which prevents the sperm from reaching the egg. In such cases, IVF is advised.
  3. Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a condition where the endometrium lining the uterus grows in peculiar areas such as ovaries, fallopian tubes, pouch of douglas, ovarian fossa, etc. This results in disturbed anatomy in adnexa, can cause tubal blockage. Endometriosis of the ovary can result in the formation of ovarian cysts which can affect the quality of the egg. In such cases, IVF can be extremely beneficial.
  4. Tubectomy: Tubectomy is a family planning procedure where the fallopian tubes of the woman are blocked or cut the sperm reaching the egg and thereby pregnancy. Although this procedure is meant to serve as a permanent contraceptive, women can still have a good chance of achieving pregnancy through IVF treatment.
  5. Poor ovarian reserve: Women with poor ovarian reserve have reduced quantity or quality of eggs. It is characterised by low AMH (anti-müllerian hormone) and low antral follicle count on USG. In such women, IVF can offer potential benefits and improve their chances of achieving pregnancy.
  6. Severe male factor Infertility: Due to very low sperm count or motility simple treatments like IUI don’t work for such couples. They definitely benefit from IVF treatment.
  7. Unexplained Infertility: Infertility caused due to unidentifiable causes after thorough evaluation of both the partners falls under this category. IVF is a great option for such couples.


  • Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): In natural fertilisation, the sperm has to penetrate the egg to bring about fertilisation and form the embryo. However, when the sperm motility is reduced or it is unable to penetrate the egg, ICSI comes into picture. This procedure involves injecting the sperm into the centre of the ovum to fertilise it. The embryo is then grown in the laboratory for a few days before it is placed (on day 3 or 5) in the uterus for further development.


  • ICSI with testicular sperms: Sperms used in ICSI are surgically acquired using techniques such as TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration), TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction) or Micro-TESE (Microdissection Testicular Sperm Extraction). ICSI is the only treatment option available in such cases.


  • Follicular sonography: Follicular sonography is a scanning procedure used to monitor the growth and development of the follicles in females. These scans are mostly performed vaginally as it is more accurate than trans-abdominal sonography (TAS). It also monitors endometrial thickness which is essential for conception. Adequate and proper follicular growth is indicative of good reproductive health and is an essential part of fertility treatment plan.


  • Oocyte donation: Women start ovulating (releasing eggs) from menarche and continue till menopause. However, few women face difficulty in conceiving despite being in reproductive age due to various genetic, environmental or health issues leading to Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) or Premature Ovarian Failure (POF). Such women and those in advanced age with poor ovarian reserve benefit from oocyte donation.

Oocyte donors undergo ovarian stimulation followed by egg retrieval (ovum pick up) in the usual manner. These eggs are then fertilised by the sperms of the recipient’s husband and the resulting embryos are placed inside the uterus of the recipient woman. Healthier oocytes from the donor are more likely to help achieve a better pregnancy rate. Advantage of donor oocytes also reflects in lesser miscarriages & genetic abnormalities in babies as compared to self-egg IVF cycles at advanced age. Oocyte donors undergo stringent screening in terms of general health, hormonal status, ovarian reserve, sonography findings, genetic tests & viral marker tests.


  • Donor semen insemination (Donor IUI): When a male partner is suffering from infertility, sperms can be obtained from a sperm donor through a registered ART bank and artificially inseminated. This process is called Donor semen insemination or Donor IUI.  ART banks freeze these semen samples for at least six months before use and they are adequately screened for various infectious diseases, including viral illnesses like HIV, HbsAg, HCV, VDRL.


  • Embryo donation: Embryo donation is rarely advised to a couple when both partners suffer from severe fertility issues.


  • Frozen embryo transfer: Frozen embryo transfer refers to the process of freezing or preserving the embryos formed in IVF treatment and placing them in the uterus at a later date. It offers good pregnancy rates and results are comparable to fresh cycles. Frozen embryo transfer is advised for women who are at high risk of developing Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS) such as PCOS Or when progesterone is elevated beyond acceptable limit during fresh IVF cycle. It is also employed when embryo biopsy is advised for genetic issues or repeated miscarriages.


  • Donor sperm IVF/ICSI: In this line of treatment, IVF/ICSi is performed using sperms of registered sperm donor obtained through an ART bank.


  • Gamete Freezing: Involves freezing of semen / oocytes or embryos. It may be done for medical, personal, or social reasons. Presently embryo freezing is routinely done in IVF/ICSI cycles wherever surplus embryos are formed or in cases with risk of hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) or hormonal imbalance.

Sperms/Oocytes/Embryos are cryopreserved at -180°C in liquid nitrogen and they can be kept frozen for as long as one wishes for (be it a few months or years). Survival rates for embryos is better than that of oocytes.

Semen freezing may be advised before IUI or IVF/ICSI treatment.

With the advent of faster techniques of vitrification, freezing gametes has become very promising and reassuring.

Sequence of services in order: follicular sonography-IUI-IVF-ICSI-testicular sperm icsi-donor sperm iui-donor sperm ivf/icsI -oocyte donation-embryo donation-gamete freezing-frozen embryo transfer